S4S's mission is to strategically develop socio-economically disadvantaged girls and women both personally and professionally via mentoring, accelerated training, prevention, and peer to peer support.
Girl Scouts develops both hard and soft skills critical for STEM, college, and career readiness. The STEM ecosystem that has developed around our first-of-its-kind STEM Center of Excellence includes corporations, universities and other non-profit organizations. These groups are passionate about building the workforce pipeline in North Texas, in STEM Careers, or whenever a girl's confidence can take her.
Girl Scouts are the next generation of scientists, engineers, innovators and leaders who will break the glass ceiling and soar beyond.
The mission of Hope’s Door New Beginning Center is to offer intervention and prevention services to individuals and families affected by intimate partner and family violence and to provide education programs that enhance the community’s capacity to respond.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) believes hope starts with food. As a Christian nonprofit, FMSC is dedicated to seeing every child whole in body and spirit. FMSC works with food distribution partners that stay with communities for the long haul, empowering them to move from relief to development.
FMSC meals are developed by food science and nutrition professionals to supplement nutritional needs and reduce problems with malnutrition. Nutrition allows children to grow, thrive and develop to their full potential.
Young Women’s Preparatory Network partners with public school districts to create innovative all-girls schools where each young woman receives:
Rigorous academic coursework in PREPARATION for college level academics,
Thorough college admissions advisement necessary to ACCESS her best fit college, and
CONFIDENCE building experiences that encourage her to pursue the college major and career path of her choice.
YWPN raises seed funding to support school enhancements designed to achieve the outcomes outlined above, and simultaneously, builds a coalition of local supporters to ensure the necessary enhancements continue in perpetuity.
Giving Back-
Feed My Starving Children Organization
Women Leading Technology is about giving back and supporting our communities. This is just one way we like to give back. We do it through time and donations.